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To-do List

As our project is in very beginning state, we therefore have so many outstanding tasks to overcome. We also look for more resources such as developers, technical writers, and test engineers to help us finishing the following tasks:

Task Description Target Date
2003-001 Failsafe Architecture Design Document (ADD) - High Level Design of System Failsafe, Application Failsafe, and Deadlock Failsafe. The document shall describe how can each module be used and interconnected in each particular type of failsafe. Jan-2003
2003-002 LHAM Modules Specification Document (MSD) - The document shall describe the specification of each particular module in LHAM project such as what is parameters to invoke the module, return value, global environment, pre & post conditions, etc. Jan-2003
2003-003 LHAM Modules Block Test Specification (BTS) - Considering each module as a black box, how can we test it? To write this document, you need to refer to LHAM Modules MSD. Mar-2003
2003-004 Increase Heartbeat-ping performance - Heartbeat-ping performance is not optimum yet; there are some rooms for improvement. Feb-2003
2003-005 Change appmon's configuration format - Present configuration is not user friendly yet. We prefer Samba format (which is very easy to understand) rather than clumsy XML format. Mar-2003
2003-006 Heartbeat-UDP - Currently, heartbeat-ping is stable but in some networking environment "icmp-echo" is not allowed through Firewall or, in some case, the server itself rejects ICMP Echo. We therefore need alternative. Heartbeat-UDP will send UDP echo to monitor availability of a particular system or application. There must be heartbeat-udp's APIs which can be used "inside" application server and client. For the time being, we focus at C/C++ APIs only. However, Java APIs is in our pipeline as well but there is no timeframe yet. Mar-2003
2003-007 Heartbeat-TCP - Currently, heartbeat-ping is stable but in some networking environment "icmp-echo" is not allowed through Firewall or, in some case, the server itself rejects ICMP Echo. We therefore need alternative. Heartbeat-TCP will send TCP echo to monitor availability of a particular system or application. There must be heartbeat-tdp's APIs which can be used "inside" application server and client. For the time being, we focus at C/C++ APIs only. However, Java APIs is in our pipeline as well but there is no timeframe yet. Apr-2003
2003-008 Deadlock Monitoring - This module can only be bundled inside the application. The rough idea is application needs to register deadlock-monitoring client with deadlock-monitoring server before requesting for any mutex semaphore. Deadlock-monitoring client will continually send heartbeat to its server while processing instruction in the risky area. If there is any deadlock happened in the application after registration, deadlock-monitoring server will receive any heartbeat. Then it will restart that particular application accordingly. To maintain integrity, when it is about to release all reserved mutex, it shall cancel deadlock-monitoring registration first. Apr-2003

If you are interesting to contribute to our project, you will be more than welcome. For more detail, please contact xeruz@users.sourceforge.net.


January 16, 2003

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Last updated:
02-Jan-2003 / 18:48:31